The fifties and beyond !!!

London is the best city in the world.

Two years of the fifties, things have changed for me.

Some important things happened that improved my outlook on life.

Hey ho, happy to have fallen. I had a fall and hurt my face very badly. If it had not been for the fall, I would have kept stumbling and reached a busy dual carriageway from where there was no comeback, and this, of course, changed my perspective on life. Injured my right knee which led to arthritis in one part which hurts and limits my exercising. Arthritis was coming anyways with age.

A mammogram is one of the screenings which we women undergo regularly, I went for my first one. Got told there is a lump which needs a biopsy. The waiting game started. Everyone in the house was stressed which reverberated through the household, sleep deprivation, tiredness, arguments, and eating quick meals. Had to wait a few weeks to get the full result. God’s grace all was ok. It was close though.

Covid happened. World changed. Anxiety is through the roof for everyone that I know. Most of us lost people we knew. Tears and crying helped. Seeing patients with masks and gloves has become the norm at the moment. Infection control, virus and vaccines suddenly become extremely important for life. Digitalisation and the online world are here to be embedded further in our lives.

Both my children are adults now and on their own journeys. Kids are the centre of everything while they are at home. Once the house is empty, life suddenly becomes your own and need to think about how to make it more livable. New rules and new priorities were set in. Cooking, washing, cleaning, and bills all go down. There is so much to think about.

I have been thinking that this is it. YOLO is really real. If not now, WHEN. Live it all and love it all. WHAT IF. All this has made me more carefree. Go all out in whatever I am doing is my mantra. Yoga and meditation are what I enjoy the most. LOL. Be happy all of you. Enjoy everything.

18 thoughts on “The fifties and beyond !!!

  1. Lovely post and than you for sharing your thoughts and a glimpse of your life. I’m in my early 50s too; half a century is the way I like to look at it! I’ve reblogged a post from Be Inspired! If you’re not already following it do take a peek at her posts. I think you will relate to the two most recent ones …at least I hope! I think they will give you courage and inspiration… All the best, sending you live & hugs…Have a peaceful and delightful Christmas

  2. Such an infectious vibe and it makes for good reading on this fine Sunday morning. I like the reminder of ‘if not now, then when’ because the present is all we really have. Thanks so much for this post!

  3. Very candid and expressive post Rishika. Life does fly by in the blink of an eye. Wishing you happy times ❤️🌺💐

  4. enjoyed your reflections – not inclined to agree with your premise (London is best…) at the start, I find myself getting to a point where my heart says ‘ok… it may not be for me…’ that’s progress enough for me, for Jan 2. Glad your mammogram was ok in the end.

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