
  “With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice       Excitement, planning, calendar, travelling, shopping and so much more goes into a birthday. Its my daughters birthday today and of course where have the years gone.I can truly say for myself , my husband and dare … Continue reading Birthdays


Justin Beiber is struggling.Really. But why. Money, love, fame he has it all. Isn't this a common theme with many celebrities, when they have all practical aspects covered, they start to struggle mentally. One of the worst struggles. What is about mental health that they can't get right? Why does it hit them so hard … Continue reading Struggling


I find it very funny to hear my child talking and laughing in the other room when he is playing with his mates on Xbox. He has his headphones on, so he does not realise that we can hear it all. I literally can hear everything and it sounds distanced but still close by. The … Continue reading Xbox


Needed to buy a birthday gift for a beautiful girl today. It is easy to put cash in a card and gift it, of course it is lovely but I actually like to buy gifts. In fact I like buying proper gifts because I love getting them for myself . It gives me so much … Continue reading Gifts