
I find it very funny to hear my child talking and laughing in the other room when he is playing with his mates on Xbox. He has his headphones on, so he does not realise that we can hear it all. I literally can hear everything and it sounds distanced but still close by. The weather outside is so windy , dark and cold ,you know what, they are at least dry and safe.When kids are little, it is so cute to listen to them ,from another room,watching TV and laughing away. It does bring a smile on our faces.

These days even adult men play Xbox with their friends. Once another doctor told me that her husband has to play with his friends from medical school on the play station late at night when their kids are asleep. He absolutely loves it. I guess I can imagine it must be great if you can remain connected with your mates when you are in your thirties and keep playing with them every night,definitely that must be a big stress reliever. Of course addiction will be bad so limits must be in place.

We will have to watch the space what takes over the yougsters in the next ten years. At the moment ,these gaming things are here to stay and they need to be enjoyed. I did not even know that gaming monitors were different and I had to question the tech guys what is the reason for this additional expense and I got carried away . These salesmen are good, business done , run from them because he might sell the gaming chair next. What nonsense,pay the bill and get out of the shop, be quick.

My next venture is to learn to play Xbox. It must increase the reaction time of the brain. Well, we will see when that happens. Havent really heard of many women or girls playing on the Xbox before. I must be getting on a bit.


2 thoughts on “Xbox

  1. Haven’t really seen any of the ladies playing x box 😃.Would definitely be exciting if we too made an effort to indulge in it!

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